
DRAFT 2024-02-28

Declaration App

For this example the Liccium.app is used. Feel free to sign-up on Liccium.com to receive an invite and test the applicaition.

Declaration Metadata

With a public declaration, all metadata of the declaration is compiled in a JSON file, including the TDM·AI opt-out (see code example below). This JSON file is persistently bound to the ISCC code.

    "tdmai": {
      "TDMAI": false,
      "TDMAI_policy_URL": "https://olive-labour-unicorn-913.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmX8qUyi2iXRT7BEX6D2SSJUqngQBN1hWkA1TFbQ9Zisad"

TDM·AI Opt-out

The declaration metadata JSON file links to the opt-out declaration.

Last updated